Integrative Brain Health

An integrative brain health perspective seeks to optimize brain health by treating the whole person, through the use of traditional medicine, lifestyle adjustments, proper nutrition and supplementation, individually programmed exercise, and self-care strategies designed to enhance sleep and reduce stress.

Among the many approaches available to her, Dr. McCord has completed training in the ReCODE Program with Dr. Dale Bredesen. The ReCODE program addresses the root causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia using a functional medicine approach, with a goal of reversing/stabilizing early Alzheimer’s disease and preventing the development of cognitive decline in individuals at risk. Functional medicine can also be used to address other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as neurologic conditions such as autism and ADHD.

Dr. McCord is passionate about helping people learn what is at the root of their brain and body dysfunction and develop ways to optimize overall health.

To learn more about the ReCODE program or other integrative brain health options, please contact us.